Athlete Spotlight: Evan Husack – October 2019
Evan Husack is in our Athlete Spotlight this month! He has proven himself to be dedicated to the sport of volleyball and to the Deaf community, even sitting on the MDSA board as co-chair for the volleyball committee. As co-chair of Manitoba Deaf Volleyball Club, he has been involved as a lead volunteer with the annual fun volleyball fundraiser, setting it up during International Week of the Deaf. Recently, he helped to organize teams to participate in both a 2019 spring coed league and a 2019 fall coed league. He was recently accepted to the Red River College (RRC) Rebels volleyball team and will be training hard for the 2020 Canada Deaf Games. He has enrolled in the Social Innovation and Community Development program at RRC in order to help grow and strengthen the Deaf community. Additionally, he is Vice President of Manitoba Cultural Society for the Deaf and Youth Director for Manitoba Deaf Association. His knowledge and experience gained from these positions will truly benefit the community. Congratulations Evan on being nominated for the Athlete Spotlight, and MDSA is proud to have you as a member and athlete!
Evan wishes to thank MDSA for putting him in the spotlight. He feels honoured to be recognized.